María Liliana Córdoba•y Susana María Morales. La mirada como oficio: condiciones  y desafíos  del observatorio de comunicación y ciudadanía. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2010, n.4. pp. 71-97. 

Intersecciones en Comunicación

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)


WATCHING  AS A TRADE:  THE CONDITIONS  AND CHALLENGES POSED BY THE COMMUNICATION AND CITIZENSHIP OBSERVATORY. This article shows the conclusions reached  by the Youngsters watch  media  Project activities conducted  by the Communication  and Citizenship Observatory for the Center of Advance Studies, National University of Cordoba.

This project was developed under a specific context; it involved the discussion  of the Bill of Audiovisual Media Services and it sub- sequent  presentation  to the  National Congress,  which highlighted an  unprecedented situation:  a public debate  about  mass  media. The media,  characterized  by the constitution  of a part of the social life, that  is always present  in daily life routine;  the  media  which represents, at the same time, one of the fields that population deep ignore regarding its regulation and functioning.

In this way, witnessing  the  significant legitimacy of the  actual media  system  scenario,  this project drew together  three  types  of activities:  media  monitoring concerning  previous discussions  to the presentation  of the Bill of Audiovisual Media Services; citizen consultation  “TV: how we love ya!” about  youngster’s relationship with the media; and high school discussion groups with teenagers of Cordoba City, being contributions to the appropriation and broaden- ing of communication  and information rights in the current debate existing in our country.

Throughout the study of this experience, discussions are presented about the perspectives and the research grounds of the Study Center.

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