Analía Umpierrez. Imaginarios,  identidad  local y elección de carrera: La ciudad como horizonte. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2010, n.4. pp. 37-70.

Intersecciones en Comunicación

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)


IMAGINARY,  LOCAL IDENTITY  AND CAREER  CHOICE: THE CITY AS HORIZON. The work presented  below, is part  of the  results  of a research process that began in the early twenty-first century. Specifically, we sought to investigate the conditions and relationships between access to university faculty of a regional University of the Province of Buenos Aires, one of their headquarters, Olavarría and the choices they make about the subject. In this election would be tightening and condensing the subjective aspects  of the social environment  while placing the horizon of the city as possible. We sought to rebuild the relationship that exists between a group of social actors, students  of a university teaching career, busy social field for them and their families and the conditions that  build local identity, a middle-ranking city-Olavarría- of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2008.

Keywords: Choice career – teaching - middle size city - identity.

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