Orlando Gabriel Morales. Representaciones gráficas acerca de la otredad. Una lectura comunicacional de dibujos de autóctonos sobre inmigrantes. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2011, n.5. pp. 89-112.

Intersecciones en Comunicación

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)

Intersecciones en Comunicación.  n.5 Olavarría ene./dic. 2011


GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT “OTHERNESS”, A COMMUNICATIONAL READING ON LOCAL DRAWS OVER INMIGRANTS. The present paper focalizes on and analyzes the perceptions and meanings of Buenos Aires province Police agents concerning to migrant alterities. Particularly, we register and reflect upon the characteristics and communicational dimensions assigned to bolivian and asian inmigrants and/or associated to social relations in which those Others are involved; throughout draws from autochthons.

The graphic representations, made by Cadets who are being formed, were taken in occasion of the research Project Intercultural relations and alterity construction regarding foreign immigrants from bolivian and asian origin at the city of La Plata1.

We examine these materials by means of a content analysis model, applied to images and texts, and also taking in consideration information regarding to field notes taken in occasion of the research.

Our interpretive work, in terms of a communicational reading, presents evidence that such aspects as differential uses of language, socio-economic status and distinction marks, ethno cultural diacritics, attitudinal characteristics and behavioral characters, amongst others, are brought to play and articulated to produce significant meanings about these migrants.

Key words: immigrants- locals`s draws- perceptions- graphic representations- meanings.