Delia Crovi Druetta. Aprender a estar y vivir juntos. Jóvenes, medios  y discriminación. Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2008, n.3. pp. 39-62. 

Intersecciones en Comunicación

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)


This article points out that when young people establish their own rules and delimit their preferences in the different aspects of life, they generate discrimination  conditions.

Even though youth has been identified as the social power line which mostly uses the new technology, economic, social and cultural reasons, contribute to build from this information society, a new stage of discrimination of the young people

The author begins her lecture by analyzing the basic categories of the text, such as youth, the young people, discrimination, tolerance, and identity. All of these being related to the digital media, and exclusion situations in the second part of her presentation.

Data taken from the “First national survey on discrimination in

Mexico” allows her to give examples about the central topic of this article, and also to reflect upon opinions and actions which damage the young people’s lives and their opportunities of development.


young people, youth, discrimination, information society

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