Nadia Koziner[1]. La concentración mediática y la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (LSCA)

  Intersecciones en Comunicación [online] 2013, n.7. pp. 123-158

ISSN 1515-2332 (versión impresa)

ISSN 2250-4184 (versión On-line)

Intersecciones en Comunicación.  n.7 Olavarría ene./dic. 2013

Recibido 27/03/2013

Aceptado 14/06/2013



MEDIA CONCENTRATION AND THE LAW ON AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES. Since the 1990s, the concentration of the media, accelerated by technological convergence processes, acquires an unprecedented planetary scale. A few conglomerate groups dominate the international market. In Argentina, the media system is characterized by a higher level of ownership concentration than the average in the region, a strong dependence on capital and a distinctive geographical centralism around Buenos Aires. The measures proposed by the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services seek to reverse the logic: they set the state as a guarantor of social rights to communication and put severe limits on the concentration, encouraging the entry of new players. This paper aims to account for those aspects of the LSCA intended to impact on concentration in the Argentine media landscape. A little more than three and half years after its enactment, it aims to assess, with the limitations imposed by the fact that the analyzed case is contemporary, whether the standard has been able to modify some of the dimensions of this phenomenon.

Keywords: Media concentration – Argentina - Law on Audiovisual Media Services.